The Home Within Retreat

14th - 17th November, 2024

27th February - 2nd March, 2025

A transformative journey which guides you back home to your true essence.


At Centred Meditation, we operate from the assumption that we all have an inner 'essence' inside of us which is whole, complete, and perfect. It's been there since we were born and has remained pure and unchanged ever since.

During childhood and adolescence, we are taught what to think, when to feel, and how to act. We aren't taught how to listen to our instincts and speak our truth. We all, at some points, encounter negative or uncomfortable experiences which create self-limiting beliefs and floods our bodies with stress and fear. Once we reach adulthood, we have layer upon layer of conditioning which mask and hide our true essence.

During ‘The Home Within’ retreat, we take you on an adventure back to your authentic self. We help you peel back the layers that no longer serve you and introduce you to your true essence. You'll come to realise that nothing is missing, you are perfect just as you are, and you never have to prove your worth to anyone ever again.

We can't wait to welcome you back home!


























We've taken the best of Eastern and Western philosophies to refine our signature method: the synergistic combination of Effortless Meditation + Inner Growth Processes. It's the most direct path home to your true essence where you re-discover your hidden reservoir of contentment, freedom, wholeness, and love.


The Home Within Retreat


The Method: Effortless Meditation


We teach you Effortless Meditation, an easy, relaxing form of meditation where all thoughts are welcome (there's no such thing as messing it up). Our participants discover that they actually can meditate and they truly enjoy doing it.

But it’s not about how it feels during the meditation. Practicing meditation is about what it does for you outside of meditation. We don't practice meditation to get better at meditation but to get better at life. Effortless Meditation (as anyone practicing it can attest to but also evidenced by hundreds of scientific journals)increases happiness, reduces stress, improves sleep, improves mental clarity, has anti-aging effects, strengthens your immune system, and more (there’s a long list).

You’ll leave the retreat with a solid practice that you are 100% competent and confident to do at home alone. You'll want to keep meditating daily to continually access the deep reservoir of fulfilment and joy at your core for years to come. 


During the meditation sessions, we cover...

  • The Effortless Meditation Technique: You'll become 100% competent and confident in the Effortless Technique of Meditation which you will fall head over heels in love with and can’t wait to practice every day.

  • The Inner Mechanics of Effortless Meditation: You'll learn the inner mechanics of Effortless Meditation and how it initiates deep psychological changes in our mind and consciousness.

  • A Fusion of Breath, Body, and Mind: You’ll practice  a curated sequence fusing breath, body, and mind which is designed to heighten your state of consciousness. 

  • Instructions For Daily Practice Post Retreat: We'll help ensure you can integrate your practice into your day-to-day routine once you return home from the retreat, understanding the most ideal time, place, and frequency to keep reaping the results.

Effortless Meditation throughout the retreat specifically aids in allowing you to spend more time in a heightened state of consciousness, a place where your mind and body are immensely relaxed so that you can reach places in your psyche you haven’t previously had access to.

The Method: Inner Growth Processes


The Inner Growth Sessions are where the real work is done; work that will transform you and your relationships.

Conscious of it or not, we all have different belief systems and ways of seeing the world; some of which are useful and some of which can be very limiting. For that reason, it’s really important to understand how you came to be the way you are.

We believe that the more in touch you are with your true essence, the more choice you have over your actions and the more able you are to live in alignment with purpose and access your full potential.


During the Inner Growth sessions, we take you on a journey through our proven methodology where you:

  • Identify Core Limitations: Firstly, it’s important to identify your current self-limiting patterns and how they are holding you back.

  • Reveal Root Causes: By then learning how your subconscious mind works, you come to understand what caused you to think, feel, act, and react the way that you do. You'll objectify specific belief systems which no longer serve you.

  • Rediscover True Essence: Once objectified, through proven inner growth processes, we help you to dissolve belief systems and come back to your home within.

  • Pursue New Possibilities: With a renewed understanding of your current limitations, their root causes, and a dissolution of your self-limiting beliefs, you’re now in a position to consider new ways forward which were previously unimaginable in various parts of your life.  

Awaken the essence of who you are.

Step off the treadmill and into your most authentic self.

Shed limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour.

Learn to believe in yourself and in your own power.

Develop self love, compassion and confidence.















The Program


The environment throughout the weekend is relaxed, intentional and focused on the growth of each participant. What makes our retreats so successful is our unique method which artfully blends...

  • The Base: group sessions which focus on Effortless Meditation practices and inner growth processes. 

  • Mix In: meeting and sharing experiences with other attendees as well as individual coaching sessions where you have the fortunate opportunity to chat one-on-one to the experienced instructors to clarify anything or get specific questions answered.

  • Insert: nature bathing, sensory experiences, and delicious gourmet meals.

  • Stir In: luxury accommodation, enriching socialising, and thought-provoking documentaries.

  • Sprinkle on Top: swimming, strolling, journaling, reading, and sleeping.

The result is a truly transformative experience leaving you

with newfound awareness, contentment and freedom

which paves the way for previously unimaginable possibilities

to consider and adventures to embark on.

Put simply, you leave different to how you arrived.


Your Instructors


Walter Bellin

Walter pioneered the development and teaching of a wide range of methods designed to maximise the professional and personal potential of individuals, teams and organisations. Walter is an international consultant who regularly consults to the top senior management teams of Australian public and private sector organisations in the areas of corporate development, leading organisational change (specialising in organisational cultural change), leadership development, teambuilding, communication skills and strategic business planning. Walter began meditation in 1968 and has continued ever since. Meditation teaching has always been part of Walter’s leadership and personal development programmes. Walter’s purpose is to awaken and expand our human experience of peace, joy, love, and compassion, and our desire and capacity to accept and serve others.


Nikki Janks

Nikki is the Co-Founder of Centred Meditation. It was while studying Psychology at University when she experienced first hand the visceral effects of stress on her mind and body: constant anxiety, muscle spasms, digestive issues and the list goes on. She stumbled upon Effortless Meditation online and thought it sounded too good to be true! After learning the technique in 2010 she was pleasantly shocked by its immediate effects on all aspects of her life.

Nikki has since spent time in India learning from different meditation masters and Gurus, directed a non-profit organisation, trained as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, and travelled around the world organising, undertaking, and facilitating personal development and leadership programmes.

Nikki is one of the lead instructors of our Teacher Training Courses, Retreats, and Meditation Programs. Her life’s purpose is to empower people to be inspired by their own true greatness and freed up to share it with the world.


Kevin Janks

Kevin is the Co-Founder and Chief Meditation Officer at Centred Meditation. He reluctantly came to meditation out of desperation to rid himself of the detrimental effects of stress. Years down the track of cumulative benefits, he now dedicates his life to making this untapped resource more accessible to everyone.

Kevin has led and taught thousands of people to meditate through his world-first drop-in meditation studio, Corporate Program Hub and Inner Growth Retreats. He has a unique way of distilling complex intellectual topics into simple practical tools for his students. Kevin’s purpose is to raise the bar of love and affinity and decrease the level of suffering in the world.


Robert Meredith

For over 15 years Robert has worked with senior teams and management all over the world assisting them create the leadership and corporate cultures that support them to achieve their vision and goals. He was a foundation member of Mckinsey’s Mindsets and Capabilities initiative and has extensive experience in C Suite and Senior Team Facilitation and Coaching. He has a variety of qualifications in a various leadership and stress management courses, as well as years of experience running corporate personal development companies. Outside of work, his love of The Himalayas led him to create “Conscious Trekking”, a travel company taking like-minded people to discover ‘spirit of place’ in the mountains.


Carolyn Taylor

Carolyn started teaching meditation and personal development under Walter’s guidance in 1983. She led with Robert Meredith and taught over 10,000 people to meditate. Walter brought her out to Australia when demand for personal development and meditation tuition picked up momentum and has led large scale programs combining meditation, body work and personal growth.
She later branched out into corporate consulting, and has worked extensively in the leadership, team and culture development space in major corporations.
She is known for her ability to make complex concepts simple to understand, her insights into the links between patterns of thinking, behaviour and outcomes, and her focus on taking personal responsibility and finding ways to move beyond the patterns of the past to build new ways of looking at and responding to the world, with different strategies and habits.

"The retreat was so much more than I expected. It's like expedited therapy. It's the quickest way to get to the root of your challenges, process them and to feel a sense of wholeness."

- Claire 




Location & Accommodation 


Our retreat is situated in the gorgeous seaside village of Gerringong in the NSW South Coast hinterland, where the rolling green hillsides meet the sparkling blue ocean. We are hosted by the award-winning Mercure Gerringong Resort - a boutique hotel only 1500m from Werri Beach, 90min from Sydney and 3hrs from Canberra.

The accommodation infuses contemporary style with chic luxury and comfort and you have an option of a twin-share or private room, both with an en-suite, balcony, and kitchenette.

There's also two pools, a tennis court, on-site parking and walking tracks nearby.

Untitled (1600 x 1323 px)

"The retreat was one of the most transformational things I have ever done. I was sure meditation wasn’t for me, but after only three days, it is something that I have since brought into my life, a practice that I use day in day out and makes an enormous impact on my life."

- Barton 

Dates & Pricing


November 2024

Begins Thursday 14th November, 2024 at 7:00pm (check-in is from 2pm)

Ends Sunday 17th November, 2024 at 4:00pm

February 2025

Begins Thursday 27th February, 2025 at 7:00pm (check-in is from 2pm)

Ends Sunday 2nd March, 2025 at 4:00pm



Twin Shared Room: $1499 AUD per person

Private Room: $1799 AUD per person

(Cost includes ALL meals, accommodation, program sessions and private coaching)

"The retreat completely changed the way I react internally to the external. Looking back, the moment I hit the booking button was a life-changing turning point for me.”

- Emilia



“I have just come on my first retreat and it has also been my first experience with effortless meditation. I have been blown away at how simple it is as a practice and how incredibly powerful it can be, and can really see myself using it regularly in my life. The facilitators are all so experienced, knowledgeable and passionate about making a difference in each and everyone’s lives and in the greater world as a collective. I cannot recommend this experience highly enough for anyone looking at starting a meditation practice, for anyone “stuck” in their life and looking for some practical self development, and for anyone prepared to take their lives to the next level.” -Megan


“I’ve been meditating for about 15 years and had never been to a meditation retreat before. It was a really amazing experience! Nikki and Kevin set it up beautifully, it was a wonderfully open group of people who came and I left feeling remarkably uncluttered and clear and which was a real gift.” - Terence


“I didn’t think three days would be enough, but it was! I can’t believe how much I learned about myself in such a short time. Before the retreat, I had been banging my head against the wall trying to change the external which I now know was a futile endeavour. The reality is that the world is going to stay the same, I just needed to find a way to effectively deal with it. The retreat completely changed the way I react internally to the external. Looking back, the moment I hit the booking button was a life-changing turning point for me.” - Emilia


“There are many retreats out there that promise deep relaxation which sounds great – but ultimately, they only provide a ‘band-aid’ fix. The difference in the Centred Meditation Retreat is that you will be exposed to some of the best personal development teachers in the fields of consciousness and not only learn relaxation and stress management practices but also have the opportunity to deal with what is the way of you achieving better wellbeing – and how to change it, in your everyday life in an ongoing, holistic, practical way so the benefits go way beyond the weekend.” - Joanna


“I umm-ed and ahh-ed about whether I should join Centred Meditation’s three night retreat. There were so many excuses not to go: getting time off work, leaving the kids, spending the money. And sure, it would be a nice break, but would anything change once I came back?  In the end, I chose to prioritise my wellbeing, and I’m so glad I did. The cumulative effect of multiple meditation sessions each day really helped to settle my nervous system. Warm and wise Nikki, Kevin, Walter and Robert were always available to provide support and to help to work through any issues that came up during meditation.” - Elana


“I recently attended Centred Meditation’s retreat. Beautifully organised and gently and compassionately facilitated by Nikki and Kevin, the weekend was truly beneficial ‘time out’. I’m full of gratitude for deep rest grounded in meditation, the inspirational teaching of Walter and Robert, and the exquisite heart-opening we experienced together. In such good company, the fragmentation I’ve felt in the year since my husband died has eased. I have reconnected with my inner self and life purpose. I feel whole again, with a deeper understanding of who I am and the legacy I want to leave.”  - Christina 


"I went to the Centred Meditation Retreat expecting to learn to meditate better. What I received was that – and so much more. I learned to recognise and be comfortable with thoughts, emotions and sensations that arise during my meditation practice. I connected a lot of dots regarding who I am at my core and why I respond to certain things in a certain way. I learned how to be more open and vulnerable. I met, bonded with, learned from and was inspired by like-minded people. In short, I found my tribe". - Shireen


“The Centred Meditation retreat has given me so many ideas on how I want to keep developing. I’d really recommend it if you feel like you have done a little inner growth work but feel stuck. This retreat will give you tools and ideas to keep developing and keep growing. The quality of guidance we’ve had has been absolutely second to none. The speakers are incredible and it’s been so welcoming and easy to integrate with the people who have been a few times and also the new people. I would highly recommend that if you’ve been thinking about it then just book it!” - Tanya


“I cannot easily express the enormous benefits of the insights and outcomes of the retreats. It gives you time to pause and reflect on things you don’t always have the time or inclination to. It’s a chance to discover things about yourself while at the same time connecting and sharing with the other attendees. When you return back to your regular life, you can see what you might like to do differently going forward and it's a great way to reset and recalibrate yourself and your direction in life.” - Caroline


“If you have ever wanted to take part in a retreat or wondered what they are about, you have arrived at what is, in my opinion, the very best of them. The excellence of this organisation is beyond words and when you experience it for yourself, you will find that you will want to be part of the energy of this space again and again. If you are curious and wondering if this could be for you, I urge you to give yourself this present and experience it for yourself." - Belinda


"This was my first time learning how to meditate. I was blown away by the hosts, especially their knowledge, experience, professionalism and their capacity to leave participants able to meditate effortlessly, and to expand their leadership and capacity to ‘be’ and contribute to the world. There was a perfect balance of meditation, and other sessions to enable holistic growth and transformation. The addition of having access to the facilitators, including through one on one coaching to address any specific questions, queries or concerns was highly beneficial and very impactful. Kevin, Nikki, Walter and Robert were phenomenal and incredibly generous with their time, love and commitment to ensuring everyone was able to fulfill what they were seeking. I can not recommend the retreat and being in the company and learning from these incredible people enough. I will be attending in the future for sure! After the retreat I had an increased appreciation, and experience, of the impacts of meditation including greater peacefulness, and access to being present in the world. I have continued to meditate as a result of the retreat, and will do so forever." - Dee

"A Centred Meditation retreat creates a supportive community in a safe space in which I can deepen my meditation practice, reflect on where my life is, and participate in group discussions to share with, and listen to, others about my and their experiences on our journeys of inner growth. Nikki, Kevin, Walter and Robert, the facilitators of the retreat, are wonderful people who are knowledgeable, engaging and insightful. They have helped me develop a better understanding of who I am and how I might grow while still holding true to myself. The food, accommodation and team are outstanding. Come along with an open mind and you’ll be amazed at what you discover about yourself and how you relate to others!" - Paul


"Before I attended my first Centred Meditation retreat, I thought it was just going to be a peaceful three days of rest and relaxation. It was that and SO much more. The retreat compelled me to put a lens to my life, my relationships and my identity. Instead of being shy or scared, I was greatly inspired and have since attended two more retreats. Nikki, Kevin, Walter and Robert are knowledgeable, compassionate and insightful facilitators. They clearly practice what they teach and are motivated to make positive change in the world. Ultimately, the retreats have cemented the practice of daily meditation in my life and have given me the tools to view and intentionally live my life with greater clarity and purpose.
I highly recommend the retreats for anyone who wants to examine their self-relationship and learn new tools to activate personal growth". -Mae


"Nikki, Kev and Robert were key in making me feel welcome and safe throughout the retreat.  At first I was not too sure what I needed or wanted to change, but by the end I walked away with a clear goal and understanding on how I can improve myself. I have been implementing these changes and feel so much more relaxed and present when dealing with situations that in the past may have created a lot of stress in my life.I cannot thank the team enough at Centred Meditation for making me feel like a part of their family, encouraging me throughout and getting me to step out of my comfort zone in a safe way. Since attending I have had the opportunity to stand up in front of 50+ staff to present a talk, which I would never have done in the past". - Genelle


"Before coming to the retreat I was someone who had tried meditation but just didn’t really enjoy it.  I wanted to come to the retreat to learn how to meditate properly so I could use it to connect with my higher self, my innate creativity and that it was a powerful tool that a lot of highly successful people use and swear by it. The weekend gave me an opportunity to answer some questions about myself that I had been thinking about for years. It also gave me many fascinating insights into human behaviour and stages of development which changed everything for me. It helped me put things into perspective in a new way and I really wasn’t expecting any of that. I felt changed for the better by the end of the weekend. I really enjoy meditating now and find it easy to do. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone who wants to learn how to meditate properly but also wants to learn how to be a better human and to make sense of their experience on planet earth". -Aysha


"I recently attended the Centred Meditation retreat with Nikki, Kevin, Robert & Walter. It was an amazing experience. I have previously practiced focussed forms of meditation which were difficult to practise, but the meditation technique taught on this retreat was truly effortless! Now, I actually enjoy my meditation time and look forward to it every time! The retreat was not only about meditation, we also had self-growth sessions as well as breathwork and a special kind of yoga. The food was also delicious!   I am grateful that I attended this retreat as I was able to connect dots from my childhood and the belief systems that I have developed, which helped me understand my growth opportunities. I would 100% recommend this retreat to anyone wanting to learn to meditate completely effortlessly and anyone looking to understand more about themselves"! - Nivedha


"This is now my third retreat and I keep coming back because there is honestly nothing else out there that I can go to where I really feel like I can return to myself and my true being and feel so comfortable, so safe and so loved in that space. Nothing beats that feeling. We all have our daily lives that we return back to; ones that are hectic and full with so many responsibilities. I love knowing that I can come back to my support network in Nikki, Kev, Walter and Robert as well as the retreat space, environment and tools in meditation". - Shay


"This was my first ever meditation retreat and I am extremely grateful and blessed to be able to be part of this life changing experience. The retreat is more than just spending time meditating. It incorporated a lot of self-growth sessions which was the part I enjoyed the most. The program was facilitated by experienced hosts Nikki, Kevin, Walter and Robert and through their insightful and knowledgeable guidance and coaching, I have been able to dive deeper into my own personal issues and they have provided me with the tools and techniques to accelerate my healing journey. Everyone in the retreat bonded like  family over the last few days (it was actually sad to leave as we were all having such a great time). I’ve enjoyed getting to know everyone’s stories, have met like-minded people and formed new friendships". - Amy


"I already had a little experience meditating and considering aspects of my personality for development ahead of the retreat. This retreat took things to another level for me and was definitely multi-dimensional in terms of opening up constructive and critical self-introspection about different areas of my life, for which I believe I will benefit both personally and professionally. The information I received, experiences I had and communication I shared during the 3 days was truly transformational and an initiation into tools and ways of viewing myself, which I feel will have long term benefits for myself, my family and others who know me. I feel this first retreat experience has helped me understand a new and positive path for myself that I would like to continue". Matthew


"I came to the Centred Meditation retreat with an open mind and a willingness to trust in the process. My biggest takeaway was seeing for myself what the long term benefits of effortless meditation look like, with Robert and Walter both true role models for what it is to age well by staying mentally and physically sharp and living a long life of purpose. I learnt the causes of my "triggers" and what I can do to address the underlying clauses of them. I learnt tools that I now use effectively in every day life to down regulate my stress response to my "triggers" that would have previously "wound me up" I now respond more effectively in life from a place closer to my true self and I now have a regular effortless meditation practise that I am enjoying more then ever". - Luke


Ready to Come Home?





  1. I’ve only just started meditating / I’ve never meditated, will this retreat be too advanced for me?
    A three day intensive is a great place to learn meditation or go deeper with your practice. We've had plenty of participants attend our retreats who have never meditated before. The first thing we do is teach everyone Self-Directed Effortless Meditation (without guidance). There is plenty of time to ask questions throughout the three days to ensure you are highly competent and confident in your technique.
  2. I’ve been on numerous retreats before, aren’t I beyond them?
    No! We strongly recommend attending at least two retreats a year, no matter how long you have been practicing (we've been practicing collectively for over a century). The stress release and self-awareness that occurs on a retreat is worth months and months of daily meditation practice. And we can ALWAYS do with more stress release and self-awareness!
  3. Will a retreat change who I am?
    You definitely won’t change the productive parts of yourself. You'll hopefully rid yourself of some self-limiting aspects though! The intention of the retreat is to uncover what no longer serves you and begin to express more of your fullest potential.
  4. Who facilitates the retreat?
    Our retreats are facilitated by Walter Bellin, Robert Meredith, Kevin Janks, Nikki Janks, and Carolyn Taylor who between them have over a century of experience in meditation, personal growth, coaching, and leadership development.
  5. Who else will be on the retreat?
    A diverse range of people of different ages, professions, and backgrounds! No matter whether you work full time, part-time, or no time, have a family or are single, have been meditating for years or never practiced at all - you will fit right in.
  6. What kind of food will be served?
    Meals are mostly vegetarian, ranging in different cuisines, and prepared fresh every day from four on-site chefs. If you have special dietary requirements, we can cater accordingly.
  7. I don’t drive, how will I get there?
    If you would like to carpool, we will attempt to find someone who lives near your area to give you a lift. Or, you are welcome to take the train to Gerringong Train Station and we will collect you from there. 
  8. I can't take time off from work.
    We are happy to write your boss a letter detailing how the retreat will positively impact your work. We have had a number of participants in the past whose work even paid for them to attend.
  9. I’d love to but I can’t afford it right now.
    We would hate for this to be your only obstacle. Please speak to us about a payment plan and we will work something out together.